
Increase your vitality, improves hormonal balance and energy boost with GKB Eurycozin

As we men grow older, it is always challenging for us to maintain our energy and vitality level due to our testosterone level. Our testosterone levels decrease naturally as men age and once past that age of 40, most men see a drop of 1.6 percent in testosterone level. Based on a study in Malaysia, 1 in 5 men have problems with low testosterone. 

With low testosterone level, we get tired easily and our energy level is definitely not at the level when we were much younger. We start to gain weight so much easier than before and our libido drops, and some might even face erectile dysfunction (ED).  

Modern fast-paced life coupled with highly stressful work, makes it even more challenging for men to maintain a healthy testosterone level but thanks to quality supplements, this challenge can be overcome.

I was recently introduced to a supplement called GKB Eurycozin by one of my college mates as we were reminiscing our college years, how energetic and full of stamina when we were, travelling from East to West, North to South, but now as I approaches retirement age, how I wish I could still be like those days. 

It was then he introduced me to GKB Eurycozin by GK Bio International Sdn. Bhd., which he was consuming. He mentioned that he was taking it for some month and he can see how his energy level has increased and his recovery time in between his gym workout has shortened too, so I decided to look up the company and the product.

All Cosmos Bio-Tech Holding Corporation and Grape King Bio from Taiwan formed GK Bio (GK Bio International Sdn. Bhd.) in 2018 with a mission to help Malaysians regulate their body functions with quality supplements at affordable prices. 

GKB Eurycozin is specially developed as vegecap supplement that helps men improve their stamina, performance and workout. With 4 main active ingredients, Eurycoma Longifolia (or better known as Tongkat Ali) Extract, Zinc Yeast, L-Arginine and L-Carnitine Fumarate, consuming 2 capsules daily after meal will help in hormonal balance of men, improves stamina and workout performance, and increase energy by improving fat metabolism rate.

GKB Eurycozin is registered with Ministry of Health of Malaysia at MAL18036127N and is certified with JAKIM Halal.

GK Bio carries a long list of certifications including GMP, MeSTI, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and HACCP to guarantee highest product safety, quality and manufacturing standards. 

GKB products are sold in KPJ Hospital, IJN Hospital and many pharmacies including

Whole Malaysia: Alpro Pharmacy, Watsons
Central: M CARE Pharmacy, Leo Pharmacy
Melaka: Farmasi Big Tree, Farmasi Limbongan, Farmasi Tanjung Minyak
Penang: MEDS & VITS Pharmacy, Pure Pharmacy, NuCare Pharmacy, Bliss Pharmacy, Guan Pharmacy, Island Retail Pharmacy
Perak: HTM Pharmacy
East Coast: Lau & Tan Pharmacy, Farmasi Nazen, Farmasi Ehsan
Southern: The One Pharmacy, You Pharmacy, AcePro Pharmacy
Sabah: LifePlus Pharmacy, Pearl Pharmacy
Sarawak: Nutrisense Pharmacy, Sing Lee Pharmacy, Kingdom Pharmacy

So if you are looking for a quality affordable supplement to improve your energy and vitality level or want a better workout performance, do look into GKB Eurycozin.

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