
Malaysian passport is the 13th most powerful in the world

Malaysians should be proud of their passport as the latest Henley Passport Index place the Malaysian passport the fourth most powerful in Asia and 13th most powerful in the world.

According to the website, the Henley Passport Index ranks passport of the world according to the number of countries its holder can travel visa-free and then Malaysian passport enable its holder to travel 166 countries visa-free.

The Malaysian passport is ranked behind Singapore, Japan and South Korea in Asia.

The Malaysian passport is ranked 13th in the world in 2017 with Germany taking the top spot with visa free access to 177 countries, followed by Singapore with 176 countries.  Joint third place are Denmark, Finland, France, Italy and Japan which enable their citizen to travel 175 countries visa-free. Ranked #8 is South Korea with 173 countries.

In the ASEAN region, Singapore and Malaysia lead the pack by far, with Brunei ranked at 22, Thailand at 64, Indonesia and Philippines at 72, Cambodia at 86 while Vietnam and Laos are joint 88 and Myanmar wrapping it up at 92.

The least powerful passport in the world belongs to Syria at #102, Iraq at #103 and Afghanistan at #104.

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